Τι βρέθηκε κάτω από το Σύνταγμα;
Ημερομηνία: 04/01/2005
Καταχωριτής: Aragorn
Πηγή: www.esoterica.gr forum : Λόφος ****ΠΕΝΤΕΛΗ**** Χρήστης : jonniebegood
Θα αναφέρω ένα γεγονός που δημοσιεύτηκε στην Ελευθεροτυπία γύρω στο –92. Σκάβοντας στο Σύνταγμα ανακάλυψαν ένα εύρημα που θεωρήθηκε τόσο σοβαρό ώστε να ξυπνήσουν τον τότε πρωθυπουργό, τον Μητσοτάκη. Το εύρημα συσκευάστηκε με σανίδες και το είχε φωτογραφία η Ελευθεροτυπία - ήταν μεγάλου μεγέθους (γύρω στα 3 μέτρα ύψος αν θυμάμαι καλά) και συσκευασμένο έμοιαζε στο σχήμα με θαλαμίσκο διαστημόπλοιου - δεν το λέω υποστηρίζοντας πως αυτό ήταν, προς θεού, αλλά έτσι έμοιαζε - ένα είδος κώνου. Το εύρημα λοιπόν την επόμενη μέρα εξαφανίστηκε!!! Πάλι η Ελευθεροτυπία το ανακοίνωσε - κλάπηκε από άγνωστους από την αποθήκη που ήταν φυλαγμένο, παρόλο τον όγκο του
κανείς ποτέ δεν ανακοίνωσε περί τινός επρόκειτο φυσικά, και το θέμα ξεχάστηκε.
Σίγουρα υπάρχουν αιτίες για να προβληματιστούμε και να υποψιαστούμε πως δεν μας τα λένε όλα περί της αρχαίας τεχνολογίας.
10 Σχόλια:
Άγνωστα κράματα ανακαλύφθηκαν σε vimanas!
by Robert Goodman ©1996
Until the printing press came into use throughout the world, each culture had its own way of conserving the knowledge passed on from one generation to another. In India, the most common method was to write on palm leaves. This method was used for communicating diverse subjects pertaining to all the different branches of wisdom.
In recent years, a highly qualified minority of Hindu researchers has been dedicated to finding, gathering and translating ancient texts. One of these researchers, the writer and Sanskrit scholar Subramanyam Iyer, has spent many years of his life deciphering old collections of palm leaves found in the villages of his native Karnataka in southern India. Several years ago, he discovered some old texts which described different alloys (with properties unknown to modern science) and their application in the building of fuselages of Vedic v i m a n a aircraft.
Thinking about the possible application of these formulas in the modern aeronautics industry, S. Iyer wrote to C.S.R. Prabhu, the Technical Director of National Informatics Centre, the Indian Government department dedicated to translating ancient texts and searching for applications of the technologies recorded in them. In his reply in May 1991, Prabhu informed Iyer that he had started a study of several Shastras (Vedic science texts) recorded on palm leaves and had already managed to prepare some of the materials described. They were metal alloys with very promising properties applicable to modern science and technology.
Hence, already by 1991, samples of these alloys were being tested and exhibited, and access to them was authorised for anybody interested in them.
According to the initial results, it seemed that most of the materials were unknown, but, given their unique properties, they could have applications in aeronautics, aerospace technology and defence. In September 1992, a national Indian newspaper published an article confirming that ancient texts written in Sanskrit had been found the year before in a village in Karnataka, and that, on translation, they were discovered to be a complete compendium of formulas for manufacturing super-alloys, with properties unknown in modern times.
The article quoted C.S.R. Prabhu, of the National Informatics Centre, who stated that he had prepared five different alloys described in the texts and was currently working on others. Each alloy had unique characteristics, with definite applications in modern metallurgy. According to Prabhu, more was needed than a mere translation in order to understand the texts: they had to be deciphered.
Part of the language used pre-dated classical Sanskrit, but, as many of these words were to be found in Ayurvedic texts, it was possible to complete the interpretation.
Prabhu assured that, up until then, texts of this class had not been found in any part of India, and, in fact, the information they contained came from a rich oral tradition, possibly extending over thousands of years, before being recorded on palm leaves.
Impossible Alloys
The article went on to say that at a recent congress in India, C.S.R. Prabhu gave a paper on these alloys, claiming that samples prepared according to the formulas described have the same properties as those stated, and that they were being tested not only in India but also abroad. For example, the University of San Jose (California) was performing tests with several products. Among these materials, t a m o g a r b h a l o h a, a lead alloy, absorbed up to 85 per cent of the light generated by a ruby laser. Pancha loha, an alloy of copper with lead and zinc, showed great malleability and an enormous corrosion resistance to salt water —a property not observed until now with any alloy containing copper, but having an obvious use in the construction of ships' hulls.
Araara tamra, another anticorrosive alloy, was brittle and very light. Chapala g r a h a k a was found to be a high-quality ceramic material which, with slight modifications, produced a very soft, acid- and base-resistant glass. So far, according to the article, processes had been deciphered to make another 14 products, two of which seemed to be very promising: bhandhira loha, a soundproof alloy, and vidyut darpana, a glass capable of neutralising lighting.
C.S.R. Prabhu mentioned that the texts also describe the sections of mines in different places and the kinds of minerals that could be found at distinct levels, as well as extraction and purification methods.
Apparently, some of these texts were written by Maharshi Bharadwaja, and indicate that knowledge regarding high technology was indeed possessed by the ancient sages of India but was lost over the ages.
When I received a copy of this 1992 article, I immediately wrote to C.S.R. Prabhu, asking him to confirm its contents. His reply was adamant, and he informed me that at present he was trying to prepare a glass capable of absorbing solar heat, and an alloy used in the fuselages of v i m a n a aircraft for absorbing the excess heat produced by air friction at high speeds.
According to Prabhu, he and some of his colleagues intend creating a research institute to manufacture the different alloys mentioned in the Vymanika Sastra. They also plan to decipher the palm leaf manuscripts relating to another Shastra, the Amsu Bodhini, which, according to an anonymous text of 1931, contains information about the planets; the different kinds of light, heat, colour, and electromagnetic fields; the methods used to construct machines capable of attracting solar rays and, in turn, of analysing and separating their energy components ; the possibility of conversing with people in remote places and sending messages by cable; and the manufacture of machines to transport people to other planets. All this seems to confirm that the discoveries of modern technology have already been achieved. Somewhere, some place, such knowledge has been recorded. It is up to us to find it—instead of claiming that no other civilisation has ever reached our level of superiority.
(This article was first published in Mas Alla de la Ciencia [Monograph no. 17, June 1996], the Spanish journal dedicated to ancient technologies.)
Nexus magazine DECEMBER 1996 - JANUARY 1997
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Ένας επισκέπτης είπε:
Εγω ειχα ακουσει οτι δυο ή τρια κοντεινερ με τα ευρηματα του μετροποντικα τα ειχανε παει για φυλαξη κοντα στην οδο Μελιδωνη, στο Μοναστηρακι (....) και απο εκει... απλα χαθηκαν. Εκει εκτος απο το γνωστο κτηριο, (...) ειναι εκει φρικιαστικα κοντα και ο.... Συλλογος Ελληνων Αρχαιολογων... Τωρα εαν επικοινωνουν με κανα υπογειο τουνελ... οτι και να πω, θα σας γελασω....
Στις 19:21, 15/10/2016
Ίσως ο επισκέπτης εννοεί αυτά τα ευρήματα:
Ενεπίγραφες πινακίδες ή στήλες, με δημόσια ψηφίσματα ...με ενοχοποιητικα στοιχεία για "κάποιους". Πχ την καταγωγη των Αρμοδίου και Αριστογείτονος!
"Περίεργα" αγαλματάκια, κυρίως τα λεγόμενα "αποτροπαϊκα". (Δηλ. φύλακες της πόλης και των ανθρώπων της απο κακο.)
Αγγεία με "περίεργες" παραστάσεις... τεράτων, ή τερατομόρφων οντοτήτων.
Χρυσα αναθήματα, για ...πουρμπουάρ - τα οποία τα "τσούρνεψαν" καθαρα για τον χρυσο, όχι ότι έχουν καμια ιδιαίτερη αρχαιολογικη αξία. (Μοιάζουν με τα επίχρυσα ανάγλυφα ανθρωπάκια, που προσφέρουν οι θεραπευθέντες πιστοι στις εκκλησίες σήμερα: απο άποψη Τέχνης, τίποτε το ιδιαίτερο.) Τα πιο καλα απ' αυτα θα μοσχοπουληθουν -ως εικος- σε ..."αρχαιόφιλους συλλέκτες". (Το "αρχαιόφιλος", όπως λέμε "παιδόφιλος" - και το "συλλέκτης", όπως λέμε ..."Δρακουμέλ"! :-) Άντ' απο 'δω, ρε αληταρα κωλόγερε, άντε κάνε κανα μπάφο απ' τις φυτείες που προστατεύεις, που η συλλογη σου προέρχεται απο ...νόμιμες ανασκαφες!... Τα ίδια σκατα με τον Δρακουμέλ και ο συνταξιούχος κυπατζης, που προσπάθησε να τον δικαιολογήσει.)
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Η απεικόνιση αρχαίου Βιμάνα
ταιριάζει με την περιγραφή της αναφοράς. Όμως τι γυρεύει ένα βιμάνα στην Αθήνα; Μα Έλληνες τα καστασκεύαζαν και ήταν γνωστή η τέχνη τους στις Ινδίες. Δείτε εδώ :
στο σχόλιο που έγινε στις 20:03, 01/06/2015
Βρε λέτε;
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Εγω ειχα ακουσει οτι δυο ή τρια κοντεινερ με τα ευρηματα του μετροποντικα τα ειχανε παει για φυλαξη κοντα στην οδο Μελιδωνη, στο Μοναστηρακι (....) και απο εκει... απλα χαθηκαν. Εκει εκτος απο το γνωστο κτηριο, (...) ειναι εκει φρικιαστικα κοντα και ο.... Συλλογος Ελληνων Αρχαιολογων... Τωρα εαν επικοινωνουν με κανα υπογειο τουνελ... οτι και να πω, θα σας γελασω....