Το κείμενο το οποίο θα δώσω είναι η χημική παραγωγή μονατομικού χρυσού (ή κάτι τέτοιο, αν κατάλαβα καλά) η κατάποση του οποίου, σύμφωνα με τον συγγραφέα, μπορεί να δώσει στον άνθρωπο απίστευτες "θεϊκές" ιδιότητες οι οποίες φτάνουν μέχρι την αθανασία. Εδώ πρέπει να θυμηθούμε και έναν από τους σκοπούς των αλχημιστών ο οποίος ήταν η αθανασία. Θα μπορούσε αυτός ο μονατομικός χρυσός να είναι η αμβροσία; Μήπως κάποιος αρχαίος πολιτισμός γνώριζε τα μυστικά παραγωγής του μονοατομικού χρυσού, αυτά πέρασαν σε κάποιους ανθρώπους και το αποτέλεσμα ήταν να αποκτήσουν "θεϊκές ιδιότητες" έτσι ώστε να περνιούνται για θεοί, αν υποθέσουμε πως οι αρχαίοι θεοί δεν ήταν μια ιδέα και ήταν πραγματικοί;
Και για να συνωμοσιολογήσουμε παραπάνω : Αν αυτά που λέει το κείμενο είναι πραγματικά, μπορεί κάποιος άνθρωπος να μας παρουσιαστεί σαν "Θεός", έχοντας αποκτήσει αυτές τις ιδιότητες καταναλώνοντας μονοατομικό χρυσό;
Το κείμενο, είναι αρκετά μεγάλο, στα αγγλικά και με χημικούς όρους. Αν κάποιος χημικός γνωρίζει αγγλικά μπορεί να μας πει αν η διαδικασία παραγωγής του μονοατονικού χρυσού που περιγράφεται είναι ορθή ή όχι. Για τα αποτελέσματα που μπορεί να φέρει η κατάποση του κανείς δεν μπορεί να μας πει αν είναι ορθά.
Το κείμενο δεν το βρήκα ολόκληρο σε links αλλά μόνο σε αποσπάσματά του γι' αυτό το βάζω αυτούσιο
Dean Stonier is the director of the Global Sciences group, based out of
Denver, Colorado. Dean introduced David as having worked on this project for
over 17 yeras. David says his research efforts began about 19 years ago. He
had been in agriculture, made a lot of money and began buying gold and silver
as an inflation hedge. From this point, it will be from a first person
I came across a lot of refiners in the Phoenix area who were working with
precious metals. They informed me that there were people who were producing
precious metals from natural sources. The technique involved using cyanide to
recover gold from old mining sites where they had dumped the tailings from the
Since I was a successful farmer, I could easily go into mining of this nature
because I had water trucks, roadgraders, earth movers and backhoes. The idea
was to accumulate gold and silver without having to pay taxes. Later, I became
aware of how to recover gold using the Heap Leach Cyanide System.
In any recovery operation, once you get down to hard pan, it just won't go any
further, that is when you are leaching soluble salts through the soil. The
heap leach system moves gold and silver solutes down to a plastic membrane
where they collect as a slurry. This is pumped up and recovered through your
carbon and refining process.
In this recovery process, I was actually recovering gold and silver from this
sludge and fire assay when I found I was recovering something else which was
causing losses in the recovered gold and silver.
No one knew what this problem material was and since I was not a chemist or a
physicist, I had no idea. It had a specific gravity, it would recover in the
molten lead just as if it was gold or silver, it did not float out of the
lead, but when I cupeld the lead down, there was had nothing.
The people involved in mining and metallurgical work are familiar with this
mystery substance, giving it the name of 'ghost gold', it is a non-assyable,
non-identifiable form of gold. At this point, I became involved with a
gentleman who does emission spectroscopy, we then became award of work done by
under the auspices of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
Emission spectroscopy involves taking a carbon electrode and placing your
sample on that carbon electrode. You then run another carbon electrode down
from above it and you strike an arc. As the current burns the carbon
electrodes and the sample in the electric arc, the elements in the sample will
ionize and give off specific light frequencies. This is the basis of
Spectroscopic Analysis or DC Arc Emission Spectroscopy,
In this analysis, it is normally run for a period of about 10 to 15 seconds
before the carbon electrode burns away. American spectroscopists will tell
you that anything that is there will be ionized and will be read in this
emission spectroscopy. Our material indicated it was iron, silica and
It took me three years to get rid of the iron, silica and aluminum, once that
was done, I still had 98% of the material. This material on the DC arc did
not indicate to be anything. The material was taken back to Cornell
University, where I worked with a gentleman who helped me on analyze this
mystery substance.
We used Xray analysis with 8 different Xray heads, tunnelling microscopy,
diffraction, fluorescent microscopy, all these wonderful technologies, and the
spectroscopist confirmed the presence of iron, silica and aluminum. Once
again, we worked to remove these elements from the sample. When they no
longer showed up on the spectroscopic analysis, the spectroscopist pronounced
that there was now nothing, yet there was still material present.
According to the Soviet Academy of Sciences, proper spectroscopic analysis
requires a 300 second burn instead of the 15 seconds as done in the US. When
you do this, you have to sheath the electrode with an inert gas to remove all
oxygen and prevent the electrode from burning away too fast. The equipment
was setup to use argon as the inert gas so they could achieve a 300 second
Using this process, within the first 15 seconds, we got the standard readings
of iron, silica and aluminum and sometimes traces of calcium.
After that, nothing else was read until 90 seconds into the burn, where
palladium began to read, at 110 seconds, platinum began to read, at 130
seconds, ruthenium began to read, at 140-150 seconds rhodium began to read, at
190, iridium began to read, at 220 osmium begins to read. This is called
fractional vaporization by the Russians.
When you understand that the boiling temperature of iron is to these elements
as the boiling temperature of water is to iron. You can't get iron hotter
than the boiling temperature of water until all the water is gone. This is
the basis of the cooling system in your car, as long as there is water in the
radiator, that motor never gets that hot, but once that water is gone, only
then can the metal get hot enough to approach the boiling temperature of the
The same applies to the carbon arc, all of the iron, silica and aluminum are
taking off the heat that the arc is putting into it, and so its not until all
of that is gone, that you can reach the temperatures of the denser elements.
The boiling temperature of these elements is about 5200 to 5300 degress
centigrade, the maximum temperature of a DC arc is theoretically about 5450 to
5500 degrees centrigrade, measured at the center of the arc. The material
sits on the electrode, so it can't get to the maximum temperature of the
arc. This material had to get rid of all its impurities and all the energy of
the arc had to literally be concentrated on the sample, until the elements
come off IN THE SEQUENCE of their boiling temperatures. The lowest is
palladium, followed by platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, etc. They come off all
by themselves at a time when nothing else can be in the sample.
Getting 600,000 to 700,000 counts of iridium versus a 12,000 count of carbon
arc background, we ran this material for 2 and 1/2 years, every day, we
prepared commercial standards. We ran the standards and found they read
correctly in the first 15 seconds. As the electrode continues to burn, at 90
seconds, bang, here comes the palladium and the following elements.
About 85% of the reading occurs way out there towards the end of the burn. In
other words the people buying these precious metal standards are only reading
about 15% to 20% of the sample and assuming it is everything.
Short burn times are in error when used to determine standards, the Soviet
Academy of Sciences has the most advanced method currently known. Basically,
(David must still be referring to an analysis of off-the-shelf standards here)
we find 6-8 oz per ton of palladium, 12-13 oz per ton of platinum, 150 oz per
ton of osmium, 200 oz per ton of ruthenium, 600 oz per ton of iridium, 1200 oz
per ton of rhodium. (this was done using spectroscopic analysis)
The best deposit in the world is in South Africa, they are mining 1/3 of one
ounce per ton. That's all the platinum group elements. They go a 1/2 mile
down in the ground and follow an 18 inch seam to get this material. I say
there are about 2400 oz per ton of these precious elements instead of the 1/3
of one ounce that is currently being recovered. No one else knows it is there
and no one else can analyze for it.
The gentleman spectroscopist who helped me with this analysis winded up
getting starry-eyed and went off to Germany. There he studied at the
Institute for Spectroscopy, where he claimed he had found precious elements in
natural materials, all of which I paid for. I have since learned to protect
my knowledge and willingness to share so openly with contracts.
We ran these experiments for 2 and 1/2 years and have now created commercially
pure standards which were helping us to perfect this analytical technique. I
later went to a chemist who I was told was one of the best analytical chemists
that the state of Arizona had to offer. This was all explained to the chemist
and he became so interested that he volunteered his own time to help research
this phenomenon.
This chemist worked with me for over 3 and 1/2 years at no charge. Basically,
we were running the procedures that the Soviet Academy recommended. When we
were finished, we had separated, through analytical chemistry, 6-8 oz per ton
of palladium, 12-13 oz per ton of platinum, 150 oz per ton of osmium, 200 oz
per ton of ruthenium, 600 oz per ton of iridium, 1200 oz per ton of rhodium,
the same values as found in spectroscopic analysis.
From the analytical chemical tests, all the solution colors were correct, all
the oxidation reduction potentials were basically correct, all the physical
properties were correct, but when you finish as an analytical chemist, you
take the separated, purified elements and send them to a spectroscopic lab to
confirm your findings.
Using rhodium as an example, it produces a crimson blood-red-colored salt,
when you precipitate rhodium out of solution, you add bromate as the oxidizer,
you do a neutralization of the acid and the hydroxide precipitates out of the
solution, you filter it, dry it, oxidize it, hydrogen reduce it and you should
have metal. We did all this, heated it in a tube furnace under oxygen at 850
degrees centigrade for an hour to dehydrate it until we had this red brown
We took 1/3 of the sample out and put it in a beaker and sealed it. We then
placed the other 2/3 back into the tube furnace, hydrogen reduced it until we
got a gray powder, just like rhodium is supposed to look.
We take that out, take half the sample, place in another vial and seal it,
returning the other half of this gray powder to the furnace where it is cooked
at 1000 degrees under argon, and it turns SNOW WHITE. We take that out, put
it in another vial, seal it and send all the three sealed samples out for
spectroscopic analysis.
The analysis was done by a commercial firm called SpectraChem in Los Angeles,
they do most of the work for the aerospace industry, the man who runs the
instrument is the president of the Spectroscopic Association.
The red brown dioxide analyzed to be iron,
the reduced hydrogen material was aluminum and calcium, and
the white material, annealed under argon was calcium and silicon
The point being that there was no consistency in the analysis of the three
materials even though they were all three the same element, that material is
99.9% pure rhodium.
The commercial standards that you buy are not technically correct. The
chloride salt, the sulfate salt that you buy from Johnson/Massey and Englehart
are not technically correct. The material like tri-chloride that is sold as
RHCL3 (rhodium trichloride), is in fact a salt that is closer to RH12CL36, it
still has metal/metal bonds. When you add a reductant to the solution, the
chlorine drops away, but you still have metallics, because they have never NOT
been metallics...
These colloidal particles begin to nucleate and come out of solution as metal,
but they've never NOT been metal. Even in solution and filtered through a
millipore filter, they have the metal/metal bonds and they never lose those.
In the world of an atom, we found that if you disaggregate the rhodium to the
monoatomic state, the last particle you come up with is HRHCL4, which is the
acid trichloride, when you take away the chlorine, you have hydrogen rhodide,
a rhodide actually is a minus one, not a plus one and the physical properties
of the rhodide are more like an iodide than that of a metal.
Monoatomic gold as a chloride has a forest green color, commercial gold
chloride is gold or a light green depending on how much you dilute it. No one
offers monoatomic gold commercially.
Edgar Cayce says you should use gold chloride solution in his Wet Cell
Appliance. When you put the green gold chloride solution in the wet cell it
works about 20 times better. This is the true elemental chemistry of the
precious elements and it applies to all of these elements, osmium, rhuthenium,
rhodium, iridium, palladium, platinum and gold.
When you dissolve metallic gold into aqua regia, you convert to chloride to
get rid of all the nitric. All you really have is a cluster of metallic
gold. I don't care how long you boil this, it never will dissolve to the
monoatom. The diatonic bonds of gold are so profoundly strong, and if you
really think about it, gold has an electronic structure of 5d106s1 and that
in itself tells you it will never go to the monoatom.
All of the other s1 elements are lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium,
these are explosively reactive substances that we call the alkaline metals.
If you throw them in water, they burn. Gold has the same structure as these
alkaline metals. Gold gets ahold of itself and it will not let go. You can
get it down to the diatom, but it will never go farther than that, so the best
that you can ever hope for, is AU2CL6. You never lose the diatonic bond, and
that's why when you refine gold, you always get 99.9% recovery, because its
real easy to recover, it never loses its metallic character.
But if you know how to take those metallic bonds apart and get monoatomic
gold, which is what mother nature did by literally dissolving it to a single
atom when it comes up out of the earth, about 98% of the gold comes up as
monoatomic gold, about 2% comes up as metal. A diamond and carbon are the
same element, a diamond is a high energy crystalline form of carbon.
We have developed our analytical method over the centuries to recover the
yellow gold. When it is dissolved to the monoatomic, it never comes back as
yellow gold, it is not metallic and it has no metallic character. In fact,
one of the things we did is we submitted the material to thermo-gravimetric
analysis, out in Palo Alto.
When you produce monoatomic gold, it is kind of gray-black as hydrogen oride,
under an inert gas, you can heat it and the proton lets go, in the same way
that amorphous silicon is produced as selane to amorphous silicon. It is SIH
where this is HAU. When that proton is annealed away, it goes to a snow-white
powder, it loses 4/9ths of its weight.
How can it lose 4/9ths of its weight and yet if you take it back to metal, it
GAINS BACK the 4/9ths of the weight? In fact, in the heating of this, the
heating coil is actually around this quartz tube to control the atmosphere so
nothing is interferring. The heating coil is BIFILAR WOUND to cancel all
magnetic fields.
Yet, this material as we kept annealing it over and over, this white material
would literally levitate, weighing less than the pan it was sitting in, if it
wasn't in there, the pan would weigh more than when the powder was in it.
In cooling, sometimes it would go to 200% or 300% the weight, heat it and it
goes to less than nothing and cool it and it weighs 300% more than what you
started with.
This only happens in this white powder form using this thermo-gravimetric
analyzer. They actually give you magnetic standards that you put in the
machine and heat it and it lets go its oxide as chloride, you can weigh it as
you do this and everything works fine.
You take 100% of gold and make the hydrogen oride pellet and it weighs 103%,
but you anneal it and it goes to 5/9ths or about 62-63% of the beginning
weight, and yet, the mass has never left, its still there.
The manufacturer says if you were cooling the sample, you must have a
superconductor, but because you are heating the sample, this stuff makes no
sense at all. This led us to investigate the properties of superconductivity.
Basically, the powder should allow the flow of current with no resistance if
it is truly superconducting. This was attempted with a voltmeter and nothing
happened, we learned that a superconductor is a material that has a single
wavelength within the sample, much like a laser, it has a single frequency
within it. When you hook up the electrodes to the superconducting material,
by definition a superconductor does not allow any voltage potential to exist
in the sample. It will sustain a perfect amperage with NO voltage.
To get the electron off the wire and INTO the SAMPLE, it takes voltage, to get
the electron out of the sample and INTO the WIRE it again takes voltage.
But the sample doesn't allow voltage if it is truly superconducting. The only
way to get energy into a perfect superconductor is to 'tune' the vibrational
frequency OF THE ELECTRONS on the wire to match the frequency of the powder
and then energy flows on WITH NO PUSH. It does not have to come off, it just
flows on and on without coming off. The only way to get it off, is you have
to tune the vibrational frequency of the wire that its coming into to the
frequency of the superconductor, and then apply a voltage potential and then
it comes out, the amazing thing is it does not HAVE to come out.
When you learn that the electrons are going into the superconductor by
PAIRING, it is a TIME FORWARD electron, pairing with a TIME REVERSED electron
and they call this a Cooper Pair.
When the electrons pair, THEY CONVERT TO LIGHT, it is no longer a particle but
becomes pure light. Any amount of light can exist in any space time, if it
has no particle aspect, so the light flows onto it and it gets more and more
light, but it does not reside in any spacetime.
The only way you can prove it is a superconductor, is as the energy flows
within it, it produces around it a Meissner field. This field will not allow
any voltage potential into the sample. It has no north/south pole, the only
material we know to have this property. It will not allow any voltage
potential or any electromagnetic energy to enter the sample.
So what color does it have to be if it REFLECTS ALL LIGHT, if it absorbs all
light, it is BLACK, if it reflects all light, it must be WHITE. A
superconductor will respond to magnetic fields of 2 X 10 to the minus 15
ergs. There are 10 to the 18th power ergs in a gauss and the Earth's magnetic
field, as detectable by a compass, is about .78 gauss. So if there are 10 to
the 18th ergs in a gauss, this erg must really be a tiny measure of magnetic
Do you know how they see your thoughts in your brain? With a superconductor
measuring tiny magnetic changes in the brain. This material is so sensitive
to magnetic fields that when it goes to the white poweder form and loses
4/9ths of its weight, what it is doing is flowing light within it, in response
to the earth's magnetic field. There is so much current flowing in it that it
levitates 4/9ths of its weight ON THE EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD. Your hand has
sufficient amperage that if passed under this tube, the material floats, it is
that sensitive to magnetic fields.
All of these elements do this, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, rhodium, palladium,
platinum, gold, silver, copper, cobalt and nickel. In 1988, we filed US and
worldwide patents on this form of matter. At that time, I was working with
General Electric on fuel cells. I was told if I was the first to understand
it, the first to make it, then I could be the first to patent it.
The work I was doing with GE was with fuel cells, providing my 'alledged'
rhodium to be used in the fuel cells. When it was received by GE, they
analyzed no rhodium, yet they put it on carbon, mounted it in the fuel cells
and it works. It does what only rhodium will do. After operating the fuel
cell for two to three weeks, they take it out and now there is rhodium in the
electrode. They were puzzled as to where the rhodium was coming from, since
it had been analyzed before being inserted and no rhodium was found.
In 1988, I filed these patents for Orbitally Re-arranged Monoatomic Elements,
ORMES....Orme Gold, Orme Platinum, Orme Palladium....(you could just as easily
says 'ghost gold', 'ghost platinum', etc....>>> Jerry)
About 1990, my uncle showed me a Time-Life book on Secrets of the Alchemists.
I put it off because I thought there was nothing in alchemy that could be of
use to me. He kept after me and showed me a section where it talks about a
white powder made from gold. The goal of the alchemists was to make a white
powder of gold, that would serve as the container of the light of life.
If you stand in its presence, you don't age, if you partake of it, you live
So I begrudgingly read the book and have now read 500 to 600 books on alchemy
and it's history. All of it goes back to a man the Hebrews called Enoch, the
Egyptians called Thoth, in Greece, they call him Hermes Trismegistus, all the
same man. It is claimed he ascended by partaking of the white drops, the man
who never died, he ascended because he was so perfect.
We have found, and this in the standard Bristol/Myers Squibb literature, that
over the last four or five years, there is tremendous research going on with
precious elements and cancer treatment. The precious elements have been found
to inter-react with the cell by a vibrational frequency or by a light transfer
to correct the DNA. Any incorrect part of the DNA is corrected by the
precious element.
It perfects the cells of our body. The element going into our body is not a
metal, the element is not a heavy metal, the element is AN ELEMENT, and so
there is no heavy metal POISONING. You can eat any amount of this white flour
you want to and it won't hurt you, it goes through your digestive system.
In fact, we took some brain tissue from a pig and a cow and we analyzed it,
first we destroyed the organic matter and did a metals analysis. Over 5% of
the brain tissue by dry matter weight is RHODIUM and IRIDIUM and no one knows
it, because it can't be directly measured. The elements are flowing the light
of life in your body, the elements are in fact, what the light
is.....(remember, this is ORME-RHODIUM and ORME-IRIDIUM, detected by the 300
second spectroscopic analysis....>>> Jerry)
I can show you four papers by the US Naval Research Facility where they have
PROVEN that the cells communicate with each other by a process identical to
superconductivity, but they can't figure out WHAT is superconducting. It is
these 'stealth' atoms at work. The atoms that are in your body, the atoms
that flow perpetually the light of life, but no one knows they are there,
because they don't identify by (normal) instrumental analysis.
And the reason they don't identify is also in the literature, since 1986, some
of the top physicists in the world, at the Niels Bohr Institute, at Argonne
National Labs and at Berkeley Brookhaven have found that there is a group of
elements at the center of the periodic table that goes to this strange state
of existence. Most of these publications occurred from 1988 on, but my patent
was filed first.
What they found, was that the nucleus of these elements deforms, goes to a
high spin state, called a high spin nucleii, and theoretically the high spin
nucleii should be superconductors, because high spin nucleii pass energy from
one atom to the next with NO NET LOSS OF ENERGY. This is what is in your
body, this is what flows as the light of life.
When you understand that a superconductor flows with only a single frequency
of light. In fact, that light is a NULL light. In other words, it consists
of two waves, that are mirror images of each other. Because of this mirror
symmetry, there is NO WAVE, it APPEARS to cancel. But this null wave that is
not measurable directly is what produces the aura around your body. THE AURA
IS THE MEISSNER FIELD from the superconductivity.
There are still many mystery areas within living tissues. In our body we have
what is called 'junk DNA'. There are over 30 aspects of DNA which no one can
figure out what they are there for. We only use 15% of our brain, what is the
other 85% there for? Did we evolve a brain we don't use? It's as if we
existed at one time in a higher state of enlightenment and we have fallen to
the state we exist in right now.
There is some material from ancient Egypt that provides some insight into this
white powder, it is called the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of
Ani, by Budge. This is the oldest book of the Dead, found about 3500 BC in
the tomb of Pepi the 2nd. It says, I am purified of all imperfections, what
is it? I sin like the golden hawk of Horus, what is it? I pass by the
immortals without dying, what is it? I come before my father in heaven, what
is it? It goes on and on, always asking what is it?
Do you know that the Hebrews worked in Egypt for many generations, they were
the artisans and metallurgists. When they left Egypt, Bezalial the goldsmith
prepared the bread of the presence of god. Bezalial prepared this bread that
the high priest partook of, the mellets(sp?) of that priest.
The word in Hebrew that literally means What is it? is Manna. The word manna
literally translates verbatim to a question, What is it? Look in the travels
of Josephus and you will see that this is so. The very same words that were
used in Old Kingdom Egypt in 3500 BC.
Basically, these elements are naturally in your body, primarily rhodium and
iridium, but gold (OR?), means gold or the highest light. The Bible says that
Moses told the Hebrew people that they had not kept the Covenant, so the Manna
was to be taken from them, but it will come back in the end times when we
would be a nation of high priests, not an elect high priesthood. This is the
food, this is the light, that you take in your body.
In fact, if you ask a Rabbi if he ever heard of the white powder of gold, he
says, yes, we know of the white powder of gold, but to our knowledge no one
knows how to make it since the destruction of the first Temple, the Temple of
This knowledge was not completely lost, the high priests who left the temple
when it was destroyed went out on the desert and organized the community known
as Qumrun, they were the Essenes. If you get copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Uncovered, which Eiseman and Wise just translated, this in ancient Egypt was
known as the GOLDEN TEAR from the EYE OF HORUS.
It was the white powder of gold mixed in water. It was called that which
issues from the mouth of the creator. The spittle. Not the word of God, but
the spittle, or the semen of the father in Heaven. If you mix the white
powder in water, it doesn't really dissolve, it forms a gelatinous suspension,
and it looks just like a vial of semen. I know this because, being a farmer,
I know what semen looks like that we use on our farm.
You have to understand the symbolism, the understanding of; prepare yourself
like a bride in the bridal chamber, purify and cleanse yourself, prepare
yourself for the coming of the father in Heaven. To be inseminated by this
father in Heaven in the bridal chamber, to totally be regenerated, to be
purified, to be cleansed.
Every cell in your body will be taken back to the state it is supposed to be,
when you were a teenager or a child. It perfects the DNA, and closes the
light within the body until you literally reach a point where the light body
exceeds the physical body.
In ancient Egypt, they said you have a physical body you must feed so it can
grow and become what is meant to be. If you don't feed that child, he never
grows, he never becomes the person he is supposed to be. But you also have to
feed the spirit body, you have to feed the KA, so it can grow and become what
its meant to be. And most of you are not feeding your KA. It is sitting
there like a little runt inside your body. The texts say you must feed the KA
with the semen of the father in heaven.
And the KA grows and grows, becoming ever more enlightened, until you reach a
point where the light body exceeds the material body, you literally light up
the room when you walk in.
The gifts that go with this are perfect telepathy, you can know good and evil
when it is in the room with you, you can project your thoughts into someone
else's mind, you can levitate, you can walk on water, because it is flowing so
much light in you, you literally don't attract to gravity.
When you understand that your body can now exclude all magnetic and other
fields, including gravity, you are no longer of this spacetime, you become a
fifth dimensional being. You literally can think where you'd like to be and
you can go there and disappear from here.
These ancient texts specify the appearance of other attributes such as healing
with the laying on of hands, they claim you can resurrect the dead within two
or three days after they die. Instead of using electrical paddles, you have
so much energy in you, you can literally embrace these people and bring energy
and life back into them. Sounds pretty far out. Most groups don't receive
this very well.
It works. We haven't achieved everything yet, but it has done miraculous
things. We started with very incremental amounts, 2 milligrams. There are
32,000 milligrams in an ounce, we start with 2 milligrams. We have gone up to
50 milligrams, over a period of 60 to 90 days and have had amazing results, it
is the light that corrects the cells.
Christ said to his disciples, don't touch me, I don't have on my earthly
garments. They said, when will we see you again. Christ replied, when you
have prepared the proper food and when you have on your proper garments.
What is the proper food? It is the food of the angels, the food of the gods,
the manna, the what is it? The proper garment, is your garment of glory, your
rainbow garment, your Meissner field is what science calls it, and literally
its about 1000 times what you have now.
The amazing thing about superconductors is they don't have to touch for energy
to flow from one superconductor to the other. Electricity has to touch for
electricity to flow. Superconductors can sit at a distance from each other,
and as long as they are resonant to each other, they are AS ONE. They
function as one.
When you have your perfect superconducting body, you are no longer of this
spacetime. You are a light being, your mind is one with other peoples minds.
You literally know their thoughts and they know your thoughts. You are one
mind and you are one heart and this is science.
For those of you who don't believe it, it does not make any difference,
because this is science, it is here. The Bible says that the man who will
plant the golden tree of life, which in Hebrew is the ORME tree, the name of
my patent, and I had no idea of this when I filed my patent. My cousin joined
the Mormon church and they told her to do our genealogy. My thrice great
grandmother is Hanna Deguies, daughter of Christopher Deguies, brother of
Claude Deguies, who if you read the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, you know who
the Deguies' are.
Nostradamus worked with the Deguies family and Nostradamus prophesied that by
1999, the occult gold will be known to science. The old enemy of religion and
philosophy is science. But in fact, science will serve up the confirmation
and science will be the one to bring this to the world.
Religion has tried to do it for 2000 years and has failed miserably. The
world is no durned good, people are no durned good, they are greedy and
selfish. The capitalist system has worn out, because it is based on the
selfishness and greed of man. But science can take this to the world in 4 to
5 years. Once it is accepted and understood by scientists, the breakthroughs
will be astronomical.
Basically what I have done is create a basic analytical breakthrough. What it
means, is you can fill yourself with this light. As you read in the Dead Sea
Scrolls Uncovered, not only did the Qumrun community have a metallurgical
foundry in the center of the city, you also find out that the Teacher of
Righteousness, this thing that they were totally preoccupied with, wasn't
Moses or Christ.
It says the high priest SWALLOWED the Teacher of Righteousness which was the
Holy Spirit, it is the light, the zero point light that is not measurable.
But it is in fact, the light or god force within us. It is the teacher that
shows us how to know all things, we don't have to read or study, we just know.
Supposedly, when your light body exceeds your material body, you don't have to
eat food. You can if you want, but you don't have to. You have perfect
telepathy, how much more could you ever be judged, than for everyone to know
your heart and your mind.
Everything about you is known, no more hidden agendas, no more lies, no more
deceit. Everything is known, this is called the opening of the book of life.
In Revelations, it says blessed be the man who will overcome, for he shall be
given the hidden manna, the white stone of purest kind upon which will be
written a new name, you will not be the same person.
It's encoded in your DNA, waiting to be activated. It says, at 1160 degrees,
the white powder of gold fuses to gold glass, its a transparent glass, just
like window glass. In Revelations, written by John the Revelator, one of the
three inner disciples, it says the streets of the New Jerusalem will be paved
with gold so pure as like unto transparent glass and the foundations of New
Jerusalem will be made of gold like unto transparent glass. This is the gold
glass, the very basis of the New Jerusalem, the very basis of raising
ourselves and our consciousness to this higher state.
This OR, the highest light, that will literally activate all our DNA, will
cause us to use all of our brain AGAIN and we will return back to the original
state we were created to be in before we fell to this animalistic existence we
know now.
These elements are in all of the herbs that EFFECT regeneration, in the herbal
teas and in many of the vegatables you vegetarians are eating. You get them
in small amounts. Through work, dedication, years of study, meditation, you
can achieve similar results, but it really is tough to be a Tibetan monk.
This is called the Keys to the Kingdom, you insert it, turn it and the door is
open. It is your decision to step through the door. We are in the process of
building a refinery, producing 65 million milligrams per day, it will be
available in 8 or 9 months and I have to give it away, I can't sell it.
I of course will solicit donations, I have to GIVE it to people, if they find
it of benefit, they can make a contribution. There is a book being written on
it, it will be out in 8 to 9 months also. It will called ORMUS, it will be in
all bookstores, we are not sure it will be published by one of the big houses,
most likely, we will publish it ourselves. It will be a biography, it will be
the story of my quest for the Holy Grail with all the details. The material
will be available to all who seek it for the correct reasons at no charge.
Μπορεί να παραχθεί τεχνητά η αμβροσία;
Ημερομηνία: 22/08/2012
Καταχωριτής: Aragorn
Πηγή: Aragorn

4 Σχόλια:
Τον μονοατομικό χρυσό τον πουλάνε στην Αμερική σαν φάρμακο για την αναγέννηση των κυττάρων.
Θα μας βρείτε και εδώ : https://twitter.com/Paranormap
Πολυτίμος ο χρυσός στην ιατρική : Από την εφημερίδα Washigton Star 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 1965 : "Οι γιατροί είναι μαγεμένοι από τις τελειότερες γάζες που έχουν γίνει ποτέ οι οποίες αποτελούνται από ένα φύλλο χρυσού. "Κανείς δεν ξέρει το γιατί", λέει ένας "αλλά δουλεύει". Φαίνεται να ανακουφίζει τον πόνο και να σταματέι τη διαρροή από σοβαρά εγκαύματα και δερματικά έλκη και πληγές. Το καλύτερο είναι πως επιταχύνει την επούλωση των πληγών. Οι ασθενείς που υπό κανονικές συνθήκες θα θεραπεύονταν μετά από εβδομάδες στο νοσοκομείο, λένε οι γιατροί, κάνουν τόσο γρήγρη πρόοδο όπου μερικές φορές μπορούν να κάνουν τη δουλειά τους ενώ ο χρυσός κάνει τη δουλειά του. Τα πειράματα ήταν εργασίες των Drs. John P. Gallagher and Charles F. Geschickter και οι εργασίες του αναγράφηκαν στο Journal of the American Medical Association.
Ο χρυσός επίσης χρησιμοποιείται με επιτυχία στην θεραπεία ασθενών στο Hebrew Home for the Aged στην Ουάσιγκτον. 'Οπως αναφέρεται στον τύπο : "Λεπτά φύλλα χρυσού δίνουν εντυπωσιακά αποτελέσματα όταν εναποτεθούν πάνω σε πληγές. Ο Dr. Naomi M. Kanof, δερματολόγος εναπόθεσε ένα φύλλο χρυσού σε βαθιά και χρόνια έλκη που δημιουργήθηκαν από πληγές, διαβήτη, κιρσώδες καταστάσεις και κατακλήσεις."
"Σε προσωπικές πρακτικές που γίνονται εδώ", συνεχίζει η αναφορά, "τα φύλλα χρυσού χρησιμοποιούνται ακόμα και σε καρκινικές πληγές και σε μία περίπτωση στην επούλωση πληγής που δημιουργήθηκε από ακτινογραφία"
Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet By Jess Stearn, σελ. 49-50
David Hudson EXEI parei 2 - 3 patent για την διαδικασια, τις εχω δει, υπαρχουνε
Πολύ μεγάλη πέραση ο χρυσός όσον αφορά την υγεία. Μήπως εκτός από την σημασία που έχει στη παγκόσμια οικονομία κάποιοι τον μαζεύουν για τις δυνατότητες που μπορεί να προσφέρει;
Δείτε και για τον Κολλοειδή χρυσό :