Athina 1990, molis exoume metakomisei sto kainourgio spiti mas&den exoume stathero tilefwno akomi. einai i mera twn Fwtwn! eimaste stin ekklisia, einai nomizw 11 to prwi. ekei pou eimaste orthioi, xafnika i mitera mou leei. an pethanei o petheros mou pws tha mas eidopoiisoun apo tin Kriti afou den exoume stathero? Meiname anaudoi me auto pou eipe! o pappous, itan poly ygiis anthrwpos, xwris kanena provlima. to mesimeri gyrname spiti kai opws trwme fagito xtypaei to koudouni. itan i xadelfi tou patera mou, irthe apo poly makria me ena taxi gia na mas pei oti o pappous pethane xafnika peripou stis 11 i wra enw perpatouse sto dromo. Koufathikame oloi!!!!!:!: